mood miscellanea
Dedicated to Gale Wilhelm
I see no reason for what you have done, At least no sound purpose in your act. How do you excuse yourself to the muse
Who blessed your prose, each dot, each fact?
Did you think wo would not caro,
Nor borate ourselves for failing you,
Not miss the warmth of your real people Walking, loving, living there?
Or was it you who did not care?
So rare a gift, did you not know
How few of you there are, how largo a group Whispered thanks for each word, each dare?
It might be easier to forgive you If the wrong wero not so cruel; Had your words a less cutting power, Had you not proved we are not fools.
Where can we go to replace this Vibrant strength and enfolding touch? Oh, swift-shot economy of structure, Curving light and love that meant so much.
Geno Damon
Tho downdrops of the rain,
in the down-down
of the night,
come down-down-down
in a symphony,
down-down, of delight.
Audrey Kern